So, there's a few things coming up I thought you might want to know about. First, I have a part in a porno! Just kidding. I stumbled upon this awesome website, Face in Hole, and I've been sticking my face into the craziest pictures. It's a slight obsession. I'm starting a 12-step program soon.
That's me and my friend Eugene. Yeah, we're awesome.
If you want to win one of my books, check out the right side. I have links to all of the contests there. Good luck!
I'm starting a new series of YA author interviews. I am hand-picking authors to chat with either because they're friends in real life, awesome authors, people I stalk, or all of the above. The first interview will come on Friday. You should mark it in your calendar. Yes, there's the basic 'what's your book about' stuff, but there's also some really fun questions and another big twist. If you read my books, you know I always write the unexpected. The end of each interview is a tad odd (like me).
Finally, I'm participating in a super-cool extravaganza giveaway through Back of the Book Reviews. My giveaway/interview will be on September 13th. So you should totally check them out. Not only because I'll be there, but so will bajillions of other cool authors!!!
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