Friday, March 25, 2011

Contest! Name a Character in Oubliette & Win a Prize!

Back in January I held a contest to name the main character in Anathema. It went so well I've decided to do it again!

This time it's not my main character, but a character vital to the story. So vital I've been afraid of naming him.

Here's where you come in. Anyone can guess, but I want you to promote Anathema through either your FB, Twitter, or blog. Just once. You don't have to do it all the time. You can tell people to read it because it's the best book ever written, you can direct then to the contest, point them to Goodreads, whatever, as long as it mentions Anathema!!! Everyone who promotes gets one guess - that's it - so make it a good one! (Make sure you link to your post in your comment, please!!!!)

The character is the prophet who predicted Reychel's coming. He's been dead for six hundred years. His life is well-documented in his journals, but one journal is missing - the one that just might help Reychel unlock the key to understanding, and using, her gift. He's wily, cunning, and quite possibly a madman. Just a first name.

So.....wanna win something?! Of course I'll give something away!

You'll be thanked in Oubliette's acknowledgments, you'll win 5 of my Oubliette bookmarks, and you can win a second edition paperback of Anathema or you can wait and get a free copy of Oubliette (coming late spring/early summer).

The contest runs through Friday, April 1st, midnight CST. The winner will be announced on Monday, April 4th. Happy guessing! :D

Small print:
If I don't know you, please leave contact information or send me an email using the link to the right. You aren't required to follow me on Blogger, FB or Twitter, but it's always appreciated. If the same name is submitted twice, I will go with the person who suggested it first. The same name spelled differently is counted as a different entry. I also have the right not to choose a name if I don't see one I like. This contest is open only to U.S. residents.


  1. here is my post.

    my email is trancespiderx(at)

    my name entry.... Zelor (Zeh-Lore) it sounds mystical prophety to me lol!

  2. I like Abaryss (Ab bah ris). Okay, bye!

  3. Tweeted about your goodreads giveaway :)!/FadeIntoFantasy/status/51448507386691584

    My name entry is Darius


  4. Hmmm this one made me think. What about Murgoth? It sounds old and a
    Iittle bit evil. :)

    My email is

    And I tweeted about Anathema

  5. Tweeted!

    It means prophet in Turkish, plus I think it sounds like a mysterious prophet of old. :)

  6. Ps, i'm PrincessJobeth on twitter and I just followed you :)


  7. Here's my post.!/Memeki314/status/51466766127345664

    My entry name is Zaahir, which means "to become clear/emerge" (I think of it as a prophecy emerging...).

    I followed you on Twitter - Memeki314

  8. I'm not entering yet. I want to think about it for a while. I did want to say that I've just finished reading your book. I couldn't put it down! Took about one 4 hour sitting to finish the whole thing. I bought an e copy from Amazon. I'm hoping that in your second book that there is a love triangle. It seemed that Mark was losing a bit of favor towards the end. Very nicely done!

  9. I did tweet about this, and I will tweet several more times. I really loved it!

    Okay, the name. It should be
    Dawoud-Anan. I assume this character is the first cloud prophet mentioned in your book. Dawoud means prophet, and Anan means cloud.

    Hope I win! Or do we have to wait until 4/1?

  10. Thanks for all of the entries!!! :D I'll choose my winner after the 1st and announce the winner on the blog on the 4th.

    So many great names to choose from!!!! :D

  11. The name I chose is: Bashiri

    It means "can foretell the future," and is part of the Shona people grounp in Zimbabwe.

    I tweeted: @ABookVacation -- I can't figure out how to copy the link to that specific tweet, but I tagged you in the line so you should be able to see it. I'm seding you an email as per request.

  12. The above names are outstanding I agree with Sandra Dee's comment about Mark losing favor...I can't wait for the sequel!

    My suggestion: Efim (meaning well-famed)

    I don't tweet but I did link book one to my website and blog:

  13. I tagged a post on FB and would like to recommend the name Asher

  14. Hey Megg, I twittered and FB'd about your contest.

    The name: Bruarthieus. But, you can call him Bru. =D

  15. Jhonen. Pronounced JO-nin/JO-nen-Zho-nen

    This name fits your character to a, um, T.

    It is both elegant and strong and there is no name like it. It doesn't sound contrived either.:}

    It's from Jhonen Vasquez, artist and animator best known as the creator of Invader Zim.

    "What is this...prophet, called?"

    "Called? He is called nothing save for maniacal."

    "His name then."

    "His name...simply


  16. Here's my post!

    My suggestion: Shariff (share-eef)


  17. I think you should use my name :P Khadija (KHA-dEE-JA)

  18. Ardin - Fiery (latin)

    tweeted about contest from @Kr15tina!/Kr15tina
    I don't know how to do the exact comment, but I did @ you

    myworldofbooks18 at hotmail dot com

  19. Here's my post!

    I suggest the name Emilian. It's a Romani gypsy name, meaning "rival."

  20. How about Danek? the hebrew meaning is God is my judge...being that this charachter is a prophet???


  21. Just in case your contest actually started today, I'll repost my name.

    Okay, the name. It should be
    Dawoud-Anan. I assume this character is the first cloud prophet mentioned in your book. Dawoud means prophet, and Anan means cloud.
