Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How I Find Time to Write

You may wonder why I've been so quiet on my blog lately.

My kids went back to school (yay!) a couple weeks ago and I've been using the so-called free time to get back to work on my novels.

Here's what my day looks like:

6:20 - Wake up, make breakfast, make sure the kids are up, eat breakfast, clean up, make lunches, yell at kids 600 times to keep moving, get dressed, and leave to take the kids to school.

8:30 - back home ... only for a moment because someone left something they need immediately at school. So I get it, curse under my breath, and drive back to their Catholic school with a smile and a sparkle in my eye.

9:10 - back home ... time to write workout. Let the dog out, wait for him to do his business, and let him back. Run down in the basement and remember I had to return Sex and the City back to the library, so watch Regis & Kelly instead. Curse through the whole workout.

9:45 - back upstairs, drink two glasses of water, and time to write check my email. Curse a little more at all the messages I have to reply to and blog posts I have to write.

10:30 - feeling slimy, so I drag my butt upstairs to shower. cursing here.

11:00 - dressed and ready to write make my lunch because I'm starving. Then curse because I just realized I could have written for half an hour. See, I have to stop at 11:30 because...

11:30 - time for The Young & the Restless (hey, don't judge - this is a perk of being an at-home mom)

12:30 - time to write read more email. Curse even more, this time in Gaelic.

1:30 - got through the email just in time to write leave to pick up the kids from school.

2:30 - I'm home with the kids. There is no time to write until tomorrow.

Yeah, this is how my first week went.

Today I:

~ Got the kids off to school and checked email while I ate breakfast
~ Worked out & checked email while on the ellipitcal; showered quickly
~ Wrote for two hours
~ Ate lunch while watching my soap and checking email
~ Wrote for an hour
~ Picked up the kids

Nearly 4,000 words down and very little cursing. BAM! Hope to finish Severed before the end of the month.... :D


  1. Yay! I'm glad you got some writing in today. 4K in a day is awesome. You sure do curse a lot. ;)

  2. Now if you could only shower, eat lunch, watch soap and check email, you might get 5,000 words down in a day.

  3. Wow ... and I thought MY day was mental! Best of luck finishing Severed - just think how good you'll feel when you get there! :D

  4. 4000 words? Niiiiiice That's that I'm talking about! uh, I have to go and attempt to catch up!

  5. Well done :-)

    it's all about moving things about to find that time isn't it!

    Awesome stuff.

